Your school deserves a custom mobile app from GK
Having information immediately available is essential. Currently it is scattered across multiple websites, portals, flyers, phones calls, emails, SMS, etc. While some of these methods can be effective, they struggle to reach parents, students and faculty effectively.
The GK Platform is specifically designed to put every aspect of your School where people are spending most of their time- on their Smartphones.
All of your news, schedules, athletics, alerts and resources on one Mobile App specifically built for your school.
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Every game, extracurricular activity, upcoming events or initiatives all on one platform. Easily promoted on the app or through instant push notifications.
Announcements, news and school schedules in one place. Send instant notifications for school closures, schedule Changes, important announcements and more
Our instant alert system allows school administrators to keep students and parents up to date on any urgent issues with the touch of a button.